Moving our Digital Marketing to 2023
With the end of 2022 almost upon us, we like to take this time to look forward to the new year ahead. This year, and it's trials, have taught us [...]
Adaptable Digital Marketing
The Digital landscape is constantly changing and evolving, so much so that standard good Digital Marketing practice, has always been to have a strategy that can be flexible and adapt [...]
Super Fast Strategies
5G - Has it changed the world? Revolutionized the way we live and set a new path for digital technology as we know it? One thing it has definately done [...]
Bring on the Buzz Words
There are always new developments in technology, software and consumer behaviour. As marketers we know how important it is to keep ahead of the game and offer our clients the [...]
End of a Digital Decade
With the end of the year approaching and as we move into another decade, we always look to the future and what it may hold for digital marketing. Before we [...]
Digital Marketing to Disappear?
Several months ago Google quietly announced that Digital Marketing was coming to an end. Despite the rather bleak insinuation, they actually mean the opposite. With technology advancing and consumer behaviour [...]
Automatic, Robotic, Revolutionary
A recent article by The Technology Review generated a list of 10 breakthrough technologies for 2019. Many years ago we imagined the future would be full of robots carrying out [...]
The ABC of Website Design
At eppiq Marketing we have designed and built many successful websites. We are confident that our knowledge and understanding of Digital Marketing and Website Design provide our clients with the [...]
Unique Advertising to Capture your Audience
Digital Marketing is more than metrics, it is more than clicks and conversions. Yes, the goal is to sell a product or service, but Digital Marketing is the doorway to [...]
Digital Marketing is good for your health?
The internet, newspapers, advertising boards, and various promotional material is all shouting at us to take care of ourselves and create the perfect balance in our lives. Endless self help [...]