The Generation Game of the Digital World

Published On: June 12, 2018Categories: Marketing, Social MediaTags: ,

Knowing your target market is a digital marketing basic. As technology has progressed the markets and generations have shifted, and will most likely continue to do so.


Generations Emerge


The first “named” generation was way back in the late 1800’s. Termed the “Lost Generation” as so many people died during WWI. Famous faces of the Lost Generation are Fred Astaire, Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler.

The “Greatest Generation” born in the early 1900’s were so called as they experienced the depression and WWII. Walt Disney, Mother Teresa and Louis Armstrong are from the Greatest Generation.

The “Silent Generation” followed from 1920 – 1940’s as people began focusing on their careers, social normality and less on activism and revolutions. Well known Silent Generationer’s are Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher, Bob Dylan and Julie Andrews.




Then came the “Baby Boomers”, birth rates rose following WWII and people born between the mid 1940’s and the mid 1960’s were termed the wealthiest, most active, most physically fit generation. They were the first generation that grew up expecting the world to get better. Bob Marley, Baz Luhrman and Richard Branson are all Baby Boomers.


Lazy Generation


Generation X were the late 1960’s to the late 1970’s offspring. Women were entering workplaces and society was evolving but this generation were seen as the “lazy generation.” However, they were the most entrepreneurial, looking for ways to make their lives easier and in turn moving technology forward. Tesla architect Elon Musk  and Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin are Generation X prime examples.


The Year 2000


Millennials really paved the way for technology and the digital world. Advancements in media, communications and digital technology meant this generation saw a huge amount of progress and in fact “grew up with it.” They would be most familiar with the digital world. Mark Zuckerberg, Tinder co-founder Sean Rad and Instagram founders Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom are millennials.


Staying Connected


Finally, Generation Z. The youngsters, also known as the “Linkster Generation” meaning constantly connected to social media. They are characterised by their mass useage of the internet and technology. Logan Paul, Kendall Jenner and a whole host of Youtube and Instagram stars.


How does this relate to Digital Marketing?


As we said knowing your target market is essential, and knowing how to reach that target market is even more important. Omnicore reported that Facebook dominates among online users, however in terms of our “Generations”, Facebook is dropping off at Millennials. Generation Z are using Instagram, Youtube and Snapchat. 87% of online users over 18 have a Facebook account, with Facebook being most popular among those aged 25-44 years old.

83% of 12 -17 year olds use Snapchat and Youtube daily, 71% of 18-24 year olds use Instagram as their preferred social media platform. (Social Media Examiner)


Winning Ads


Successful Facebook campaigns from 2017 feature a range of brands from Digital Photo printing, health, travel, charities and credit cards (Hootsuite). Winning Instragram ads have been for clothing, recruitment, mobile apps, fitness. The most watched ads on Youtube in 2017 were for sports, clothing, alcohol, perfume, films and mobile phones. (AdWeek)

Depending on your market and your product, knowing where your audience spends most of their social media time is so important. You must constantly review your audience to make sure that you are directing your digital marketing to the right place.



For help with any social media marketing and all your digital marketing needsget in touch today.