Gain a Competitive Advantage with Metrics

Published On: June 11, 2017Categories: AnalyticsTags: ,

How many marketing agencies and business owners actually use analytical data to make decisions about their digital marketing?

In order to produce the best digital marketing, you need to make changes and adjustments based on actual data.

Here are 5 top analytics tools that are often overlooked in Digital Marketing:

  1. Acquisition Channels – How does traffic from different sources interact on your site? Does social traffic spend more time on your site, do email campaign referrals view more pages? These are the questions to ask. It is also a good opportunity to see if any campaigns you are running are yielding the desired outcome. By identifying patterns in consumer’s behaviour depending on their traffic source, campaigns and landing pages can be tailored to suit those behaviours.
  2. Assisted Conversion – What is the process that a potential customer follows? Arrive on site, click around a bit, fill out a form then purchase something or leave the site? This may seem like a lot of information but there is so much more. How did they arrive at the site? Was it through an offer, a search ad, a link on an email? Are they reading testimonials and reviews? Understanding how the consumer arrives at their purchase decision can be vital to a digital marketing plan. This allows you to implement Remarketing techniques, add video and look at ways in which to improve the process your customer followed.
  3. Time Sensitive – There can be a long time between someone first visiting your website and finally converting to a customer. The larger the commitment i.e. car, insurance, holiday, the longer the potential customer will take to make a decision. By considering this you can design your digital strategy around it. Be creative with attempting to shorten the period between their initial visit and purchase. Be clear on what your product or service is offering, make sure you have a strong social presence with reviews and testimonials. Make the process simple, don’t over complicate the consumer experience. Most of all be forefront of their mind with remarketing, PPC or social media marketing.
  4. Mobile – Nearly 60% of web searches are done on a mobile phone. Making sure any website or ad campaign is fully responsive is a must. Consumers will even visit a physical shop to view the product, then search on their mobile for price comparisons. The mobile experience must be just as good, if not better than the desktop experience of any website.
  5. Landing Pages – Any form of PPC marketing requires close monitoring of landing pages. This is where you are sending potential customers, look at how people are entering your website, what is converting well, where do they visit on the website, are blogs popular or do people head straight for the reviews? Check content and layout to make sure it is fully optimised for a successful encounter. Which pages keep people interested and which pages have the highest bounce rate?


By using all the metrics available, without actually stalking your customers, you can gain an insight into how they interact with your website, and possibly guide them in the direction of converting to a customer.

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